Tuesday, April 15, 2008

[Week 1] Seek out the Benefit

Asalamu 'alaikum!

To begin our journey, we remind ourselves of the saying our our beloved Prophet alayhi salatu wa salam; may not be directly related to prayers, nonetheless it is important:

"Seek out that which benefits you, seek help only from Allah and never say you can't do it..." - Saheeh Muslim

  • If you are sincere and you want to really increase the quality of your salat - seek out the means of doing so! (Which you have done...Alhamdolilah)
  • Don't forget that help comes only from Allah...so trust in Him and Him Alone
  • Having trust in Allah means working, rolling up your sleeves, and grinding it out
  • You can increase the quality of your prayers, know you can, regardless of the obstacles that stand in your way
A basic rule: You cannot reach your destination if you don't know where you are!

How are you going to get to Toronto if you don't where you're starting from? Therefore, before we begin this journey, we need to know where we stand in regards to our prayers.

The above is a 'SalatWheel', it's a tool which inshallah will help us in knowing where we stand in regards to our prayers.

  1. Choose 6/8 (depending on the size of your wheel) key aspects of your prayer that you want to focus on, this could include but not limited to: fard prayers, sunnah prayers, punctuality, concentration, understanding, praying in masjid w/ congregation, praying w/ congregation, night prayers, preparation/pre-salat sunnah, praying calmly, du'as during prayer, emotions, recitation, etc.
  2. In regards to the key aspects you have chosen, give yourself a rating from 1-10 (1 being the lowest) and shade in the slice of the wheel accordingly. Be Truthful!
The following is an example of a completed SalatWheel...

Now we have a starting point! Now we can move towards our goal.

Follow the instructions and complete the exercise. See for yourself where you stand and be truthful.

Don't brush this off as nothing! If you are committed and sincere...do the exercise...work comes with the territory.


Anonymous said...

Masha'allaah! Maybe post some videos from youtube on how to pray and how to do wudhu.


You can make this blog a complete guide to salah insha'allah!

Yasir Birjas has a video on Khushoo on youtube, also this site: http://www.qss.org/articles/salah/toc.html has a complete guide to salah.

By the way, I loved your technique in introducing this site on Al-Maghrib, pretty cool masha'allah.

Yasin Ahmed said...


yes definately...videos, books, articles, inshallah they will all be posted for the benefit of our readers!

Inshallah ta'ala the goal is to make this a resource for salat...may Allah make it a reality and keep us sincere in our work.

Jazak Allah khair for videos...inshallah they will be of use in the near future.


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